tropical rainforest is a type of ecosystem that is bounded in between
the roughly latitudes of 28 degrees south or north or you can say in
between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. This area
receives huge amount of rainfall and relatively high temperatures. These
tropical rainforests are mostly found in continents such as Australia,
South America, Asia, Africa, Mexico, and Central America and also on
islands such as Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Island. Tropical
forest or also known as the lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest
are a type of tropical moist broad leaf forest.
These forests are distinctive when we consider the levels of biodiversity
they show. As much as 75% of species are native to the tropical rainforests.
If we consider the population of all the living species which includes
plants and animals, nearly half of them reside in forest. There are
2/3 of all flowers found in the forest only. The tropical forests are
so large that many species, plants and microorganisms are still not
discovered. The area is more popularly known as the world’s largest
pharmacy or the Jewels of the Earth because of the remedies and meds
found in them.

There are many types of rainforests i.e. flooded forest, Moist deciduous
and semi green seasonal forest, Lowland equatorial evergreen forest
and Mountain rainforest. Low land equatorial evergreen rainforest receives
a huge amount of rainfall each year. The Moist deciduous and semi evergreen
seasonal forests also receive high rainfall with warmer summers, cold
and dry winters and of course the usual wet season. Mountain Rain forests
(cloud forests) can be located in much cooler climate mountain areas.
If we consider one hectare of rainforest, it will contain approximately
42000 species of insect and as much as 807 types of trees.

Rainforests are further subdivided into different strata. The forest
floor is the bottom-most layer receiving as much as 2 % of sunlight
daily. However the understory layer is lying in between the shelter
or covering of the forest floor. It is a home for many mammals, predators,
reptiles, insects and small birds. 5% of sunlight can reach this area.
As the tourism industry is flourishing, so does the ecotourism. It is
a measure that was taken to conserve and introduce a factor of safety.
There is now more economic back which means the habitat is even safer.
Tourism also helps the world to be aware of the environmental problems
that is a major issue nowadays. |
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