The pivotal point of the area, a blend of an older Mayan city and fresher Toltec defrayal, is the lofty Castillo pyramid, which is uptight with astrophysical representation. Its four sides enclose 365 steps (portraying the solar year), 52 panes (for each year in the Mayan era as well as each week in the solar year) and 18 promenades (for the 18 months in the sacred year).
Chichen Itza
The most familiar construction here is the Temple of Kukulkan, also recognized as El Castillo. This magnificent pace pyramid reveals the precision and prominence of Maya stargazing—and the hefty inspiration of the Toltecs, who conquered around 1000 and triggered a meld of the two ethnic civilizations. The Maya’s cosmological services were so progressive they could even envisage lunar eclipses, and an inspiring and erudite building construction remains on the location today.
Chichen Itza Famous wonder of the world
This prodigious city’s only enduring water basis was a series of sinkhole shafts. Spanish archives report that young female preys were thrown into the largest of these, live, as detriments to the Maya rain god supposed to live in its pits.
Chichen Itza's ball court is the chief known in the Americas, gauging 554 feet elongated and 231 feet wide-ranging. During sacramental games here, troupes vexed to hit a 12-pound rubber ball through stone notching loops set in height on the court walls. Rivalry must have been ferocious certainly—losers were put to demise.
Chichen Itza was more than a spiritual and ritualistic place. It was also an erudite urban epicenter and center of provincial trade. But after periods of affluence and engrossing incursions of other beliefs like the Toltecs, the city met an enigmatic finish.
Chichen Itza in Mexico
During the 1400s folks abandoned Chichen Itza to the forest. However they left behindhand miraculous works of architecture and art, the city’s populations left no recognized record of why they abandoned their homes. Scientists venture that deficiencies, fatigued soils, and majestic hunts for invasion and treasure may have donated to Chichen Itza's ruin.
Lately this World Legacy spot was rendered scrupulousness. In a wide-reaching vote Chichen Itza was baptized one of the New Seven Miracles of the World.
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