It was formed an ancient rift valley having the crescent shape with a surface area of 31,722 km2. For more than 1,700 species of plants and animals it is the home and the two third of which can be found nowhere else in the world and in the year 1996 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. This Lake is located at Siberia which makes up more than 75% of Russia’s total land mass. To the Mongolian border it is closer and it hold a large amount of water approximately 20% of all the liquid fresh water reserves on earth. It is the most beautiful lake is home to more native species than any other lake in the world.
Lake Baikal Russia
This lake has been the subject of serious investigation since the first Russian explorers journeyed to it in the year 1643 and in 1723 the first official scientific expedition began and by using modern technology the explorers has been able to search Baikal’s depth and now recently scientist has discovered more interesting characteristics of this large body of water.
A Nissan Car On The Freeze Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal Freeze View
It has very remarkable qualities and made it home to some unique animal species such as the biggest flatworm on the earth which length is about 16 inches long and for food it hunts fish. This lake is chilly year round with the surface temperatures ranging from the high 30s to the low 60 and more than five months out of the year this entire lake is frozen and when it’s finally freeze the layer of the ice is so thick that the Trans-Siberian railway shortly crossed it.
Lake Baikal Fantastic Attraction
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