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Los Roques, A Caribbean’s Island In Venezuela

It is an island of Venezuela which is situated in the Caribbean’s ea. From north of Caracas port it is 168 mile s far away from it. In year 1972 it was announced as national park because of its beauty and its environmental importance. To reach here you can take flights from Margarita. When you arrive from plane you will different shades of blues. The official language of this island is Spanish. It contains the population strength around 1,200.The area which it contains it is about 2,251 as km. The capital of this island is none. The climate of this island is dry and warm and all year long it is breezing.
Los Roques
This island has 4 small beaches with white sand along with aqua crystal waters .In the Caribbean it is declared one of the best spots. This island has 90 classes of birds, 60 classes of corals, 140 classes of mollusks, fish you can find in 280 species, sponges in 60 species, and crustaceans in 200 species. You will find different types of species on this island.

There are many activities to do here like swimming, fishing, windsurfing, diving, kiting, and sailing. It’s total for fun to do all of the things. For entry of this islands you need a passport which at least for 6 months or If you are entering with a tourist’s card so you should have a validity of 90 days, these all their basic requirements. If you want to do shopping which is the main thing for any tourist so Margarita provides you all this facilities? For health there are no possible requirements. They are modernize but in very lower state in different Caribbean island are very low. The currency which they are using is Bolivar Fuertes but here the most favorable currency is US dollars.
Los Roques Beaches
Over this entire island is a perfect place to spend your vacation either with your family or with your friends. Its view is attracted by people and that’s why it is a famous place for tourist’s destination. You will be relaxed from all your tensions.

Los Roques Resorts

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