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Marin Headlands, Best Place For Hiking

It is very difficult to trust that there is a beautiful and big area which is the jewel of the Golden Gate National park, called Marin Headlands. This park is abounded with the places of natural beauty like Gerbode valley, Hawk Hill, Rodeo Lagoon or valley and many other places. This Marin Headlands cause great happiness and dangerous as well. As I said that it is the section of the Golden Gate, National Recreation Area which is handled by the US park service. Let’s just talk about its information before visiting this place.
Marin Headlands

Marin Headlands

Marin Headlands
From year round this Marin headland center is open from 9:30 to 4:30 pm. It is only closed on two days, Christmas and Thanksgiving Day. There are many facilities  you can access the rest room there which is available at the Fort Cronkite with this you will see the Rodeo Beach and the visitors center as well. One of the important things you should know that you have to bring your own snacks because you won’t find any shops there. In this park you can come for a picnic as well. One of the best scenic picnic spot is near the Point Bonita trailhead, here you will find not any water, and it is totally completed with tables and grills. If you want to go on the water side  it is the northern side of this Point Bonita where you will see a beautiful and breathtaking view of San Francisco and beautiful ocean which is Pacific Ocean but remember don’t think to swim because water is very dangerous and cold too.

Marin Headlands
Marin Headlands
Marin Headlands

Marin Headlands
Besides this you can analysis or examine the grandeur Golden gate bridge from Kirby cove. You can travel the Nike Missile Site SF-88-L where you can get the awareness of the Cold War Era. You can also travel park partner organization which is situated in headlands such as Headlands center of the arts and the Marine Mammal center. This headland contains so much beautiful sea cliff and the road cuts which is the best example of radiolarian chert and pillow basalt.
Over all it is the place where you get many information about things and see the natural beauty of things as well.
Marin Headlands

Marin Headlands

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