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Desert Castle, 'Beautiful Artifacts Buildings' In Jordan

There are a lot of places you can visit if you ever go to Jordan. It is very remarkable country with a number of historic places that people come from all over the world to see. One place tourist love visiting in Jordan is the Desert Castle. It comprises of numerous small castles spread all over the desert. These castles and fortresses date as far back as the 7th century. The castles that are still standing are located near the capital Amman so you can easily go there from the city if you are planning to see this historic site.
According to history, these castles were constructed during the caliphate of Umayyad. The caliphs shifted their capital to Damascus in 661 and had these castles built sometime between the 7th and 8th century. Most of the castles were built on the trade route between Kufa and Medina. Although it is still not quite clear as to why these buildings were constructed but several historians have come up with their own theories. According to a common theory, these buildings served either as retreats for nobles or as meeting places for Bedouins.

 Desert Castle
 Some of these castles are surrounded by oasis so they may have been used as hunting lodges. The castles and fortresses could also have served as caravanserai's. In their time these buildings may have served a variety of residential, defensive and commercial purposes but now they are just used as a tourist attraction.

 Most of the buildings that make up the Desert Castle have been ruined over the time but some of them are still standing and they include Qasr Al-Qastal, Qasr Al-Muwaqqar, Qasr Mshatta, Qasr Hammam As Sarah, Qasr al Hallabat, Qasr Kharana, Qasr Amra, Qasr Tuba, Qasr Azraq and Khirbat al Mafjar in Palestine. These buildings are perfect examples of the Islamic architecture.
 Desert Castle In Jordan
 If you wish to see Islamic art from the time when Muslims ruled over the area then you should definitely visit these castles. The architecture itself, and then the frescoes on the walls inside the castles are quite beautiful. Several artifacts from these buildings are also put on display in the museum in Amman.

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