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Westminster Abbey |Church Of England|

Have a trip in many place with a view of wonderful natural landscape is has been usual for us. But how about visiting one of the greatest church in the world that also has impressive con-structural building? This church named Westminster Abbey. A part of the church of England, Westminster Abbey precisely located just to west of palace of Westminster, London. This is a church where some palace member likes kings, queen, statements, aristocrats, poets, priests, heroes, and villain are gathering piecely here. Westminster Abbey is a must see living pageant of British history.
Westminster Abbey
This great church usually accept over one million visitor come to see and explore this wonderful 700 years buildings. To have a tour inside the church, they provide many languages audio guides so that make easy for visitor to understand every history and art meaning of the building. As the beginning fact, since Abbey is the heart of London, so Westminster Abbey has over 3000 buried people in the church and cloisters and there are also over 600 monuments and memorials. Now can you get a summary that it is important for you to visiting Westminster Abbey?
Westminster Abbey Night Attraction

If you have the ticket, then you will get many steps while exploring inside the church. Those steps are started with North Transept, High Altar, Quire, Shrine of St. Edward the confessor, Henry VII’s Lady Chapel, Poests Corner, St. Faith’s Chapel, Great Cloister, Chapter House, Pyx Chamber, Museum, Little Cloister, St. Chaterine’s Chapel Garden, College Garden, Nave and the last is shops. From those all, one of the most favored area by visitors is poets corner. It is not only because it are designs as the burial place for writers, playwrights, and poets, but the first poet in the world is buried here, Geoffrey Chaucer.
The museum here is the oldest are in Westminster in which the centerpiece of the exhibition of royal collections and other funeral effigies. At this part, visitor will amaze of what things placed on this area in the real things of British kingdom. Beside, the gardens here are quite beautiful in which each of them has special function relate with the church daily activity. After exploring those places, you surely needs food and drink which you can find it in cellarium cafe where the monks keep their stores of food and drink well.
Westminster Abbey Interior Design View

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