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Wellington New Zealand -- Gamma World City in the World

Wellington is capital city and the most popular urban area in New Zealand. Its urban area reach up to 395.600 residents with 202.200 people of city council area. In the northern south island, it is the major population centre there. In late 2008 Wellington is considered as Gamma World City in the World Cities Study Group’s inventory by Lough borough University. Actually Wellington has three other name, Te Whanga- nui-a-Tara which mean “ the great harbor of Tara”, Te Upoko-o-te-Ika-a-Maui which means “the head of the fish of Maui”, and the last name is Te Upoko –o-te-Ika, a traditional name from the southernmost part of the North Island.

Nowadays it is a town with many interesting things that you surely don’t want to miss. It has good scenery of town followed by a beach. Even in the middle of the town, there is a clean green yard surrounded by some high apartments. There are also some attractions of itself as certain charm for newcomers or  visitors. Those interesting things like restaurants, hotels, and bars. Most the restaurant there own license of alcohol and BYO (you allow to bring your own wine). It offers many variety cuisine, majority from Europe, Asia and Polynesia. They also have dishes which is specialty of New Zealand, lamb, pork, carvena, lobster, abalone, scallops.etc.  you can visit some best restaurants such as The White House Restaurant, Ortega Fish Shack, Chameleon Restaurant and Bar.

Traveling around Wellington, you may need a best hotel to stay start with cheap price until very expensive price. I suggest you to select it well which suit on your purse condition and nearby the tourist park. Hotels there can be classified based on rank they get start with the high rank : Bolton Hotel, Chopthorne Wellington Hotel and Oriental Bay, Rydges, and Intercontinental Wellington, etc

When you come to a place that you have never come before,  make sure you explore it with guide that can be trusted. Or at least you know where to go by using map or GPS to help your trip well.  It same when you come in Wellington, make sure you visit this interesting tourist place as follows : Te Papa Museum, has very complete collection of New Zealand history adds with explanation of Maori culture, ancient flora and fauna fossil collection. And the most attractive thing is it they have giant squid;  Botanical Garden, a tourist park with everything related of nature. If you want to see it, try to come in summer because the flower blooming  beautifully at that time; Cuba Street and Manners Mall, central traffic of Wellington city. Summer is the best time for walking around this street moreover, you may find some street attraction there.

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