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Louvre Museum Central Landmark Of France and Paris

Louvre MuseumThe Louvre is one of the largest museums and also a historic monument. It is also the central landmark of France and Paris and is found at the right bank of Seine. It covers an area of 60,600 meter square. More than eight million people come to visit per annum and hence the place has become the top most visited museum of all the time.

There are over 35000 objects that are being displayed. Louvre Palace consists of the museum inside it and it was originally built by Philip II during 12 century as a fortress. At the basement of the fortress, the leftovers can be found. It was always considered as a museum to display all the royal collection which included antiques, masterpieces and sculptures.
There were almost 8600 works under the heading of Royal Collection. Tuileries Gardens which are adjacent to the Louvre and was made in 1564 by the Catherine de medici.

In 1973 there was a grand opening with exhibition of 537 paintings. Many states came and went and by 2008, the whole collection was being divided between eight curatorial departments i.e. Near Eastern Antiques, Etruscan Antiques, Islamic Art, Decorative Arts, prints, Painting, Sculptures, Roman Antiques, Greek, Egyptian Antiques and Drawings.

Louvre Museum
Louvre Museum
It is slightly displaced from historic axis otherwise it would have been an architectural line which bisects the city. The palace can be reached through two ways i.e. Louvre-Rivoli stations and Palais Royal.

In total there are 3 ways to enter the Louvre Palaces. The main central entrance of pyramid, entrance through Porte des Lions and then there is an entrance through the mall which is underground and called Carrousel du Louvre mall. Unibail-Rodamco are the admisitrator of the shopping mall under which the lies the entrance to the Louvre also called as the Carrousel de Louvre. There are all food chains and mobile shops including Apple outlet.

Louvre Museum
Louvre Museum Interior View

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