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Bagan Temple Famous Attraction For Tourists And Buddhists

Bagan TempleBagan is an old city which is situated in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar. It used to be the capital city till 13th century of the Kingdom of Pagan, the first kingdom to unite under one platform. In two centuries, 11th to 13th, major Buddhism constructions took place which included 2200 temples and pagodas, 10,000 Temples and monasteries. These all are present even today. The country’s main tourism sector has been developed over the area of Bagan Archeological Zone. The zone has an area of 8x13 kilometer area which is at the surrounding of the Bagan. This Bagan consists of a new one at the south while Nyaung U to the north side. It is situated 180 miles at the south west of Mandalay.

Bagan Temple
It mainly lies amidst the dry area of Burma which is in between Pyay and Shwebo to the south and north respectively. A stupa which is also known as a pagoda is huge. The statues lie there in their original position since the earlier era of Pyu designs. The gu-style which is hollow temple or stupa is a symbol of devotion, worship and meditation. There are basically two designs, four faced and one faced. There was an astonishing and surprising degree of perfection in their every project.

Bagan Temple
Bagan Temple
Bagan Temple
In Bagan there is also a Buddhist Temple which is pentagon in shape. It was a hybrid design. Similarly the Bagan Archeological Museum is a three story building with very rare and unique collection of original Rosetta stone and Myazedi inscriptions. Anawrahta’s palace was being renovated during our age group. Ananda temple was built by King Kyansittha which is clearly the most famous temple in Bagan.

Every year, tourists and Buddhists came to visit Bagan. These people who appreciate the culture also appreciate the arts and architecture of many buildings. The Buddhists who came often offer their prayers here. Its surprisingly true that they are always shocked to see so much excellence and precision in their works.
Bagan Temple
Bagan, is an historical city and Kingdom of Pagan
Bagan Temple

Bagan Temple
Bagan Map
Bagan Temple Map

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