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Acropolis Of Athens Is An Ancient Citadel In Greece

The Acropolis of Athens is an old citadel which is situated on a high outcrop over the Athens’ city. It holds great historic and architectural importance as it contains remains of many ancient buildings e.g. Parthenon.

Pericles by the time of 5th century BC started the construction of the most significant buildings including Erechtheion, temple of Athena Nike, Propylaia and Parthenon. It was declared on 26 March 2007 as a monument on the European Cultural Heritage List of monuments.

The Athenian Acropolis is a grand composition of massively built structures with unique beauty which consists of blend of unseen masterpieces. The sacred temple has many legendary stories about its diverse nature and religious myths. It tells about the Greek civilization through its art. The royal Palaces of the great kings were built in 15th century BC while Pelasgic walls till the construction of the Odeon were made by Herod Atticus during 161 AD. It covers a total area of 3 hectares and is situated on the valley of Ilissos.

Acropolis Of Athens
Similarly the temple to Athena Polias was being made around 570 to 550 BC. Many relics were excavated from this building more popularly known as ‘Bluebeard Temple – after a 3 bodied man serpent’ , H-Architecture and Hekatompedon. Another popular temple is the Old Temple of Athena which was constructed on the Doerpfeld foundations..

The tours through the Acropolis is a combination of a city tour from Plaka and Syntagma area , old towns of Athens and a detailed visit to the Acropolis. The walking tours gave a much detailed version such as Parthenon, Erectheion, Nike Temple, Philopappos Hill, Pnyx Hill, Observatory, Odean of Herodes Atticus, Mars hill and ancient Agora. New Acropolis Museum which is nearby is another attraction where tour groups are taken. There are language guides as well. The hotels are also nearby.
Acropolis An Ancient Citadel


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