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Beijing China, City Of a Former Royal Heritage

China is a country that is quite large and well-known, the country whose full name is the People's Republic of China, consists of 23 provinces, five anatomic regions, 4 municipalities and 2 Special Administrative Regions. based communist country is also known as the number one most populous nation in the world. underneath it all, china has several advantages in the field of tourism. not just the Great Wall of China which is one of the seven wonders of the world, but in one of the premises known municipality Beijing name, we can find some interesting places to visit and many things to see. as one of the main municipality has an area of ​​approximately 1,680,125 km2, the city has quite a lot of public buildings are interesting to go.

Things To Do in Beijing

Beijing is also a well-known city in the world with a number of advantages in the field of tourism, it is certainly attract many tourists to come and see firsthand the greatness of the city directly. Among the things we can do while in Beijing was to visit the Forbidden City. Is the Forbidden City here is a former royal heritage that has been in the renovation after a fire and demolition in the past, try to join a tour to visit this place because then we will also understand the story behind the history of the place. Buildings in the Forbidden City is offering more than 9,000 rooms spread over an area of ​​250 hectares. Apart from that we are also able to visit Tiananmen Square, which is a city square in the world. well, the predicament is usually used for area festivals, demonstrations, and parades in beijing. If you are lucky when come there was held an annual event or something, of course, can add your experience, right?

Beijing China Skyline

Beijing China

Beijing Attraction

Indeed, one of the charms of this city is the history, and of course it was shown by several historic buildings there. among some of these historic buildings is the Great Wall in Beijing, maybe we get to know the great wall of china, this is one of the 7 wonders of the world located in Beijing city attract many foreign tourists. in addition there is also a Temple of Heaven is a summer palace that has been established at the time one of the royal dynasty of China. contains a museum and has become one of the national cultural sites there, in terms of the building also has a unique structure and interesting. There are also Ming Tombs is the name of one famous tombs there. located in a village outside the city of Beijing.

Beijing China Map

1 comment:

  1. If you want you can visit Beijing China. I love culture of china and great wall..
    Beijing China
