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Vatican City in Italy Established in 1929

Vatican City or you can say Vatican City State is a landlocked sovereign city state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome. In Italian it is called Stato Della Citta Del Vaticano. It contains an area of 44 hectares and contains a population of just over 800. This city is the smallest internationally recognized independent state in all over the world in both population and area. Of the Vatican City state the Pope is also the head of state and government.

In the year 1929 it was established as an independent state by Lateran Treaty which was signed by Cardinal Secretary of State Petro Gaspar ion behalf of Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy and on behalf of Pope Pius XI. Vatican City exists on 1929 as you know so it means it is less than 100 years old. It was created by Mussolini. Unlike other states of the world if one is born are the citizens of the country and one becomes citizen of it but you can only be made a citizen of the Vatican by appoint  to work but if you lose your job you have no citizenship of any other country you will automatically become Italian. It means it is the only country you can’t be born a citizen of. In the world it contains highest crime rate.
Vatican City at evening time view
In relation of its population it contains highest rate of crime. In the crimes include shoplifting; pick pocketing, and a murder of a member of the Swiss Guard because of the money. The crime rate is over 130% per person per year.   Its own currency they have long issued. They don’t issue any notes and its coins embossed with the Pope’s head. In the city they have only Vatican bank. Its ATM is in Latin because their administrative language is Latin which is the only Latin ATM’s in the world. You have hard time getting money out of them because they hold on tight to it.
 Over this entire city has that thing which is not other state have.
 Vatican City in Italy

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