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Tour Of Prague Castle - Historical Complex

Prague CastleThe Prague Castle was most likely founded in around 880 by Prince named Prince Bořivoj of the Premyslid Dynasty . According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Prague Castle is the largest coherent castle complex in the world, with an area of almost 70,000 m². A UNESCO World Heritage site, it consists of a large-scale composition of palaces and ecclesiastical buildings of various architectural styles, from Roman-style buildings from the 10th century through Gothic modifications in the 14th century. The famous Slovenian architect Josip Plečnik was responsible for extensive renovations in the time of the First Republic, Since the Velvet Revolution, the Prague Castle has undergone significant and ongoing renovations and reconstructions.

The history of Prague Castle dates back to the 9th century, when the first known building was erected on the site. In thebeginning of 12th century it was replaced by a Romanesque palace. And in the 14th century it was rebuilt in the Gothic style, under the reign of Charles IV. A further reconstruction of the Royal Palace then took place under the Jagellons at the end of the 15th century.

Prague Castle
Prague Castle

Most sightseeing tours of Prague include a visit to Prague Castle in their program. This covers the most important elements of the castle complex, including St. Vitus Cathedral, and explains the significant events in its history.
After World War I, renovations to the castle buildings and to the Prague Castle Gardens were undertaken by the architect J. Plecnik.
 Prague Castle
 Today, Prague Castle serves as the historical and political center for both city and state. A Changing of the Guard ceremony takes place every hour at the front gates. The ceremony at noon includes a fanfare and banner exchange.
To visit the Prague Castle complex it is possible to wander around the courtyards for free, but to enter any of the buildings and to gain an understanding of their history, you need to visit as part of a tour or purchase a self-guided ticket.
 Prague Castle Statue on Man gate

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