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Visit To Ice Hotel In Sweden

The IceHotel is situated in the village of Jukkasjarvi which is nearly 17km away from Kiruna and 200 km north of Arctic Circle in Sweden. It is world’s first ice Hotel and exists only between the months of December and April. It is made of snow and ice blocks that were borrowed from the river of Torne. In March, toms of ice are taken from river and are kept in store which weighs total of 30,000 tons of snow and 10,000 of ice. Ice glasses, sculpting classes and Icebar designs are being produced from ice and snow is used as a foundation for the building.

In 1989, a snow and ice art course sculpturing started in the village of Jukkasjarvi (you-kas0yayr-vi). A cylindrical house of snow or igloo was built but there was shortage of rooms for accommodation of guests. Hence the guests were allowed to sleep there and were provided with sleeping bags and reindeer skin. They were also advised the tips of survival and toilet management. Those were the ‘first ever guests’ of the beginning of the new ‘IceHotel’.
As one enters, besam automatic doors are opened by sliding and inside an Icebar, and Hall of Pillars are seen. Then a long corridor directs to ice rooms, rooms made of snow, and even the elegant art suites. IceHotel recently celebrated its 23rd anniversary. Mostly tourists from warm regions tend to come here.

There are warm areas in hotel too which offers the best savory, mouth-watering dishes with Vodka. Ingredients include white fish roe, arctic raspberries and venison. Tourist often comes here to visit the northern lights, while they can also see them from binoculars sitting at the hotel. The only problem is that it melts ever spring and needs to be built every year. But to take it positively, a new hotel with state-of-the-art facilities is built every year at the same place. The artists and designers are given the opportunity of working with the mammoth sizes blocks of ice every year. They chop it, cut it and make awe-dropping sculptures out of it.
 Ice Hotel in Sweden
 Ice Hotel in Sweden
 Ice Hotel in Sweden
 Ice Hotel in Sweden

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