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Hyde Park Corner Family Park In London

I always try to list some schedules of activities i will do in Sunday. Have my breakfast in morning, clean all dirty clothes and mop the lantai, then go tho the wishing place together with my lovely friends. Having fun in tourism park, trying all kinds of dangerous games and screaming loudly has been being my routine schedule once a month. Or another idea about visiting beach, play around race to built the best pretty sand castle or just capturing own self and set the cute pose appropriated by the nature. But it also has been being my habit and my friend’s, capturing every moment filling Hand phone gallery until the memory card has definitely full.
Hyde Park Map
Before the best holiday of the great Sunday, on Saturday I also write an idea of good places that should be visited next. Actually we have been already bored with the same places we have visited before. I think we need a park that can make our mind feel more relax by the nature. May be Hyde Park of London is an excellent choice not only for me, but for you too. I have note some points of reason about why Hyde Park must be visited.  Hyde Park is the biggest park in central London and one of the Royal Park. This Park is famous with it’s speaker’s corner which is able to reach almost the whole of park sudutnya. May be if you lost your family or friend there when you are busy with your activity, you absolutely  do not need to be much worry. Just come to the Information center and it will help you by its super loud speaker, then finally you find your missing person back. Hahaha...
Hyde Park
The Park is the place for The Great Exhibition at 1851’s in which Joseph Paxton design it for The Crystal Palace. On that time, Hyde park had become the traditional location for mass demonstration which many protests of Liberty and Live hood were gathering there on March 2002. Okay back to the good things only. When you come, you will see The Grand Entrance if its park called as Queen Elizabeth Gate. Inside the gate there are some interesting feature like, consist of screen of handsome fluted lonic columns, with three carriage entrance archway, a lodge etc. Central entrance completed by four columns and the volute of the capital of the outside on each side of the gateway are formed in angular direction.
Hyde Park Fantastic view
There are also some interest site that we can see as an oval stone ring fountain known as Princess of Wales Memorial, Diana that placed on south of the Serpentine; beyond the dam, London’s Holocaust Memorial;  a botanical curiosity is the Weeping Beech, Fagus sylvatica pendula, cherished as “the upside -down tree”;and  a rose garden.  Even there also an events usually held mostly about famous rock concert where Pink Floyd reunited their classic line up for the first time in over 30 years. The show of Rolling Stone is also held there.
 Hyde Park Corner
Hyde Park Corner top View in world map

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