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Dubai Hotel 7 Star - Burj Al Arab

Have you ever visit Dubai, a city with everything cool where some buildings there have very amazing shape like Al Maha Desert Hotel, Raffles Dubai Hotel, Grosvenor House Dubai, then the last attractive and luxury building is Dubai Hotel 7 Star. Or maybe it usual called as Burj Al Arab, which mean Tower of Arab. This luxury hotel which be the forth rank of the tallest building in the world, is standing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The precise distance is 280 m (920 ft) from Jumeirah beach and connected to the mainland through a private curving bridge. From the mimic of a ship’s sail, has inspired this building to have the same shape.
Dubai Hotel 7 Star
The unique of what this building has it main complex engineering feats in which the engineers created ground surface layer of large rocks and circled with a concrete honeycomb pattern. Can you imagine how big the rocks so that withstand whole the building’s load? It’s must be amazing. Despite it has pretty big and tall shape enough, tower of Arab only has 28 double story-floors which only accommodate 202 bedroom suits. The smallest suit occupies 169 m2 area, while the largest is 780 m2 area. The beauty side of the suits is that its feature design detail combine two style between east and west which each bathroom designed by mosaic accent tile pattern.

That is attractive info about the bedroom and suit. Now we move on its restaurant. A good thing of this seven star hotel is that you can enjoy your delicious meal with a beautiful view of Jumairah beach and also the sparkling of Dubai city. Inside the restaurant also completed with a large seawater aquarium which simulated as submarine voyage. The aquarium holding about 990.000 liter of water, while the wall of the tank made of acylic glass in order to withstand the water pressure, with thickness of 18 cm.
Dubai Hotel 7 Star
Some of architecture critics said that this Tower of Arab considering how well-designed and impressive the construction ultimately proves to be. And also this extraordinary investment in state of the art construction technology stretches the limit of the ambitious urban imagination in an exercise that is largely due to the power of excessive weath.

I do agree with those what architecture critic has said before. If another building only has square formal shape, but this seven star hotel show creative side on its sail mimic shape. Just imagine that you spend your day in a unique hotel with a good panorama of the sea.

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice and lovely Sharing of Burj Al Arab Hotel and other lush places of Dubai. Thanks for Sharing Keep It up. Like it
    John Frisk
